Plebian Translation

Chiramune V6.5 Chapter 1 Part 10

Published by


MTL: Dexter, Kael
FTL(Hardest Part): KayL
TLC/Editor: Alisa
Final Editors: Kakarotto (aka G-String)

Note: We are using the Chinese Official Translation and Original Japanese Raw in our translations. Our Editors and Raw Readers (Translators) have done their best to give you the best quality English translation. We hope you enjoy reading Chiramune as much we do!



I hoped that one day, the one-sided love I had been weaving alone would turn into a love we could both share together.

But just like that, my wish, which had taken so long to weave a beautiful pattern like a game of cat’s cradle, was all come undone with a snap, returning to a single thread.

I tried to knot it back together, forming a loop to wear on my finger.

…Still, I couldn’t help but wonder if it would unravel again.

If only there were a sign, like the final spark of a sparkler, to mark the end of love.

Just as we bid farewell to summer and welcome autumn, would I be able to fall in love with someone else?

I, Hiiragi Yuuko, gently put my hand on Yuzuki’s hand beside me.

I tried my best to be strong, not for my friend’s sake, but for myself.

Honestly, I was scared to even say Saku’s name. I felt like I wasn’t worthy of calling him that anymore.

Should I realize that and withdraw?

Was I still that deceitful girl who took advantage of his kindness?

Over and over again, I asked myself the same questions and arrived at the same answer.

──On that day, at twilight, I lost a love that was so precious to me.

My best friend told me that it didn’t have to end, and the person I loved said that I was also in his heart.

Nothing had been broken yet.

I could start over from here.

It’s reaching me, resonating with me, connecting with me.

Even so,

──The fact remained that he didn’t accept my feelings.

It just wouldn’t disappear no matter how many times I tried to encourage myself with positive words on sleepless nights.

I was definitely rejected by Saku.

At least for him now, I wasn’t the girl who he would pursue over anyone else. Even if he threw away his doubts and conflicts, or was okay with carrying them, I still wasn’t the person he wanted to be with.

…I knew that even before I confessed my feelings to him.

But I couldn’t help but continue thinking about it.

I clenched my hands tightly together once again, as if grasping for something.

What if it had been Yuzuki who confessed to him at that time?

What if it had been Uchi, Haru, or Nishino-senpai?

I think Saku, being the kind person he was, would have struggled and suffered just as much as he did for me, seriously facing his own feelings, but…

If the person who confessed was not me but someone else, would it be possible for him to give a different answer?

Would he make up his mind in that classroom and hold each other’s hand?

…I knew that it was pointless to be trapped in such hypothetical situations that hadn’t even happened.

But at the same time, the reality remained that only I, among the girls around him, had been clearly rejected.

Everyone else still had the time to develop their relationship with him and the right to convey their feelings.

Then, what about me……?

I felt like I was the only one left behind, falling asleep all alone.

Logically, I understood.

I just need more time to get close to his heart, so that I could make up for what was missing.

I just need to keep approaching him, no matter how many times it took until he looked at me.

That’s why I’d buy new clothes, new cosmetics, and become a new me.


Suddenly, I noticed Yuzuki looking at me with a concerned expression.

“Hehe, let’s go already.”

I released my clenched hands and stood up as if nothing happened.

──I’ll keep thinking about him.

That’s all I’m allowed to do right now.


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