Plebian Translation

Watarabu V3 Chapter 1 Part 1

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Translator: Alisa
Editor: Dexter

Please buy the official translation or the japanese raw to support the author

Chapter 1: Love

“Yorka, shall we kiss?”

The art preparation room was bathed in the twilight, with just the two of us present. My beloved girlfriend, Arisaka Yorka, gently closed her eyes as if entrusting everything to me.

All I had to do was gently lean in towards those alluring, small lips. That was all. The distance between us slowly narrowed to zero.

Finally, we would exchange our first kiss. At last, we had reached this moment. Just a bit more, a little bit closer.

However, no matter how much time passed, I couldn’t seem to kiss Yorka. The distance between lovers remained unfilled, as though the world had momentarily stopped.

Yorka was right there in front of me, yet always just out of reach.

It was strange.

Why? What’s wrong? Did I mess up the steps? What even are the correct steps for a kiss?

I didn’t know. I had no clue at all.

“HOW DO YOU EVEN KISS──!?”  When I screamed, a sudden jolt of intense shock ran through my entire body.


I woke up.

“Kisumi-kun, are you awake?”

“H-huh? Wait, was that… a dream?”

Looking around, I found myself in my own room, with my little sister, who just jumped onto me, on top.

“It was just a dream, huh…” I sighed deeply.

How many times had I dreamt of a failed kiss now? Just how much did I want to kiss Yorka?

“Ei, stop jumping to wake me up. You’re getting too big for that; you’ll seriously break something one day,” I scolded my fourth-grade sister.

Her innocent, full-force dives onto me left a dull ache in my body day by day. Just two years ago, she was tiny, but she suddenly shot up in height and still in her growing phase. But her personality remained childish.

“Hehe. You looked like you were in pain, Kisumi-kun,” she giggled.

“Next time, wake me up more gently. And, call me onii-chan properly.”

“Got it.” She replied, but neither of those promises had ever been kept.

I pushed Ei aside on the bed and attempted to catch a few more minutes of sleep.

 “Hey, Kisumi-kun. Aren’t you going on a date with Yorka-chan today? You’re going to be late if you don’t get up soon.”

“What time is it!?”

After checking the time, my drowsiness vanished. If I didn’t leave now, I’d be late for our agreed time.

“That’s why I woke you up. You should thank me!”

“My bad, Ei. Thanks! Appreciate it!” 

Even though I had set an alarm on my phone, I must have turned it off in my daze. I hastily got ready and dashed out of the house.

When I opened the door, I squinted at the heat and brightness of the air. A piercing blue sky stretched above with large white clouds drifting by. The noisy chirping of cicadas filled the air. The rainy season ended quickly this year. 

In early July, the sun was already showing its full power. Summer was definitely here.

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